Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I've been really busy studying for and taking my finals.  And the times when I've managed to do any makeup--either the weather was too dreary for good photos or I was doing the makeup at night and I most definitely do NOT have proper lighting for taking pictures in my room at night! :)  But here's two of the looks I've done this past week:

First off, I had been searching high and low for a Wet n Wild Comfort Zone palette.  My local Wal-Mart was sold out of them for what seemed like forever but then...on a whim...I checked while out grocery shopping last week and yesyesyesyesyes!!! there is was :)  Although, I much prefer color...I am loving these shadows.  I really liked how this came out and I think I wore it at least three times last week :)

 This one, well...I just could not get a decent picture of it!  You guys are just going to have to take my word that it looked WAY better than this photo shows.  I liked how it came out but I really hate the way pink looks on me (I'm not even sure why I tried this!)  I used my 120 palette and some E.L.F. glitter liner. 
On a positive note:  I passed my basic nursing courses and now I'm on my way to clinicals next week!  Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!  The courses were pretty difficult and not everyone in my class made it, so I'm counting my blessings.  I do have a few posts planned...hopefully life doesn't get in the way too much ;)