This is my first attempt at makeup with any real effort since my eye infection. It was inspired by the shirt I wanted to wear today:

I also purchased my first NYX jumbo pencils last weekend and I've been itching to try them out. I think I got a really great deal on them. I won 3 of them in an ebay auction for $4!!!! Since they normally run about four dollars apiece, it's like I got two for free--and I loves me some free stuff! The three I picked out were milk (of course), black bean, and horseradish.
Because I think I look terrible in pink (which is a shame because I adore hot pink looks) I made this look a simple purple and black.

I used the black bean jumbo pencil as a base, and black and dark purple from my 120 palette. Although I decided not to post a full face shot, I was wearing Urban Decay XXX shine cooling lip gloss in Naked. I'm really not a fan of lip gloss but out of all the glosses I've tried these are my favorite. I know the tingling probably puts some people off but I really like it and they don't make my lips feel uncomfortable like most glosses do. I love the color. It's like my bare lips--just better!
**Today's Tidbits**
My Mood: Cheerful! Didn't do much today, just ran to the hardware store for a special screwdriver. But it was a beautiful day and I was blissfully lazy. I got to spend quality time with my loved ones and play with my makeup. How could that not be a great day???
My Song: I'm going to pick a whole album today. I just picked up the new Eminem album, Recovery and I loved it. I'm a big fan and it didn't disappoint.
My Look: I paired up the makeup and tee with my denim mini-skirt and a pair of flip flops. My hair was thrown up in a messy bun. A lazy look for a lazy day :)
My Dinner: We had a 'Big Booty Salad' again. It's such a favorite that my daughter asks for it every week when I'm making our menu/grocery list. Diet Dr. Pepper to drink.
Aw, its Pepe Le Pews girlfriend! Cute. I can't live without my Milk pencil now... I don't use Black Bean as much as its so much more messy but I literally use them every single day!
Milk? Black bean? I know absolutely nothing about make-up but I think your eyes look absolutely GORGEOUS!
@Robyn--I haven't gotten a chance to try out the Milk pencil yet. But everyone else seems to love it, hopefully I will too :) The Black Bean was a little messy but not as bad as I'd expected.
@Kate--I didn't know anything about makeup either until last became a hobby and new means of artistic expression. Some people paint canvas, I paint my face ;)
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