Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Early Christmas

When it comes to Christmas, I generally don't care if I get any major gifts.  As long as I get to see the happiness on my kids' faces on Christmas morning--I'm content.

That being said....when an opportunity arises to receive gifts....I'm happy to receive them!

I don't usually ask for much (if anything) and I'd rather be surprised than just have someone randomly picking for me from a list.  I love when someone buys me a gift on their own that just screams that they know who I am and the things that I like. 

Because the men in my life both can't ever wait until Christmas to give me a gift (and I admit, I don't like waiting either--especially if I know the gift is in the house), I got to be the proud recipient of some early and really awesome (at least to me) gifts.

Knowing that I am an insane bookworm, Alex bought me......


Oh. My. Jammies. I can't even begin to express how in love I am with this gadget.  I've already downloaded a few books.  I said I was going to wait until I'd finished all the books that I'd recently gotten from the library but nah...I just couldn't wait :)

While Alex went with the practical, sure to please gift....Jeff went in another direction entirely.  He went for the sentimental gift.  The gift that was sure to make me all misty eyed and weepy.
You know how at the end of the movie "The Santa Clause", the adults get that one gift that they never received as children?  The one gift that remained elusive to them all those years?  Well this year, Jeff fulfilled my childhood dreams and bought me my very own.....


Seriously, could there be a sweeter gift than than this???  For years, I asked my parents for this present and I was consistently told no.  I'm not sure if it was too pricey or because it makes one hell of a mess (maybe both) but my parents were not giving in and buying this at all.  I can't believe after all these years, I finally have one!  I might not be making tiny snow cones on a regular basis but, trust me, this baby will make a fine decoration in my kitchen and I'm so happy that Jeff thought to get this for me! *sniff* *tear*

The other gifts aren't as thoughtful...as I actually picked them out for myself.  Jeff bought them, but I'm the one who grabbed them off the shelves.  I picked out.....

(I'm a total dork...I know it and embrace it fully!)


(please excuse my messy desk)

I also bought myself one present.  I couldn't resist!  Last year, someone I knew bought me some Color Workshop stuff at Christmastime and, while it isn't top of the line stuff, it isn't really terrible either.  And this whole set was only $10!!

I do plan on going through this set and giving it a proper looking at and review...but I did this look really quickly the other day because I just HAD to play with my new goodies!  I was going to a meeting for my son and I wanted something neutral-ish but with a little holiday feel.

Have any of you guys gotten any early Christmas presents?