I went to the drug store the other day for a little retail therapy :) I was hoping to find some super deals but there wasn't anything really stellar that jumped out at me sale-wise. But I did grab a few things that I'd been wanting to try and a few impulse items too.
Wet n' Wild Color Icon Palettes in Silent Treatment, I'm Feeling Retro and I Dream of Greenie :)
Oke Doke Nail Polish in Purple Nurple and Cammo Loco
Forgot what this one is called but I LOVE orange and I snatched this up really quickly!!
Nail polish and I aren't good friends. I have psoriasis but I've only had one outbreak on my skin in my entire life. However....my nails have been affected since before I was old enough to remember them being any other way. My nails are very brittle and have lots of vertical ridges. They aren't strong and they tear (rather than break) very easily. The cuticles also split and are often broken into segments. They are incredibly unattractive. Most people, upon meeting me for the first time, assume that I've recently removed artificial nails (that look that nails get when the fake ones have been pulled off....it's kinda how mine look naturally) Nail polish often just makes an already bad situation look worse. But I'm a girl and this girl likes to have pretty colors on her nails sometimes....so every now and then I go out and buy new nail supplies (and then give them all to Addy once I get bored with it!)
I was in love with the orange polish when it was IN the bottle...on my tragic nails....not so much :)
I haven't tried all the new shadows yet, but I'd been dying to try I dream of Greenie. Although, I wasn't overly thrilled with the Christmas palette, I thought that these were much better. The colors stayed true to what I saw in the pan unlike some of the colors I tried at Christmastime. The darker green was slightly difficult for me to work with but I really liked the brighter acidy-green. All in all, I was pleased with the end result.

Have you guys hauled anything cool lately?
Awesome look, I'd kill to get W&W over here!
I wasn't overly impressed with my Christmas palette. Some of the colors weren't true to the pan but I was really pleasantly surprised with this one...for $1.99, I thought it was great :) I can't wait to try the other ones that I bought!
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